Local Governments Toolkit
This toolkit is for states and local jurisdictions looking to reduce energy use and carbon emissions in both their own publicly owned commercial buildings and the general community building stock. Cities, counties, state agencies, school districts, and other governing bodies can use this toolkit to lead by example by getting on a path to zero energy and carbon in their own buildings as well as policies that impact other buildings. The toolkit includes resources expertly curated from sources across the country that fall under four broad categories listed below. Click on anyone of the categories to see what resources are available. You can further filter on topics by clicking the filtering options on the left hand side of the page. Interested in learning more about what your state or city can do? Contact Webly Bowles at NBI at webly@newbuildings.org. The creation of this toolkit was supported by funding from the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.