Alea German

Senior Engineering Manager | Frontier Energy

Alea has worked in the energy field since 2006. Her focus is on whole building energy optimization, technology assessment, and code development, particularly as it relates to decarbonization. Alea is a skilled energy modeler with over a decade of experience using software including CBECC-Res, CBECC-Com, EnergyPlus, BEopt, eQuest, and EnergyPro. Overseeing Frontier’s technical energy code consulting services, she has a broad understanding of California’s Title 24, Part 6 code and leads the single family technical team for the statewide Codes and Standards Enhancement (CASE) team sponsored by the California Investor Owned Utilities. Alea has led multiple technical code change proposals including the High Performance Walls CASE initiative for the development of the 2019 Title 24 Standards and the Residential Additions and Alterations CASE initiative for the 2022 Title 24 Standards. These CASE topic evaluations focused on very detailed cost and feasibility evaluations, balancing the desire for increased energy efficiency against the realities of construction industry practices and capabilities. 


As a key technical lead for the California Codes and Standards Reach Codes program, Alea provides technical support to local governments on adopting ordinances intended to support meeting local and/or statewide energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals. Throughout her career, she has provided technical support for PG&E’s ZNE Pilot Program, assisting builders in determining the best approach to achieving ZNE, worked on many projects in DOE’s Building America program such as the Spring Lake Multifamily ZNE Affordable Community, UC Davis’ West Village Community, and the Sonoma Passive House Retrofit, and contributed to research evaluations of residential technologies such as ventilation cooling, mechanical pre-cooling, evaporative cooled condensers, ground coupled heat pumps, air to water heat pumps and radiant delivery, and heat pump water heaters. 


Previously, Alea conducted measurement and verification of energy incentive programs throughout the country. She has experience with field surveying and testing of energy efficiency measures both in retrofit and new construction applications.