Net Zero Energy Buildings: The New Standard?

When we see a new approach or product gain momentum in the marketplace there’s usually a question about whether it will be a fad or a trend. Will this be the shiny thing that looks good now, but soon loses its luster or rather a glimpse of a more permanent future?

So it is with net zero energy (NZE) buildings. Building professionals watching the growth in NZE projects are asking whether this practice of creating extremely energy-efficient buildings that are powered by renewable energy resources on-site will become the new standard. The National Law Review thinks so. In a recent article by Andrew Hayden, an attorney who was formerly corporate counsel and vice president of development for Goodman Realty Group, he states:

“Clearly, pushing the concept of NZE buildings into the forefront of development is a trend that is going to take time.  However, it is one that is only going to gain momentum in the future.  As sustainable technologies become more readily attainable and cost effective, the appeal of constructing self-sustaining buildings will only grow.  Ultimately, the initial hurdles to NZE buildings will be overcome and NZE buildings will become the new standard.”

When markets transform, it’s always a good idea to keep your eye the market diffusion curve. Until now, we have seen keen interest by an innovator crowd of policymakers, leading design professionals and forward-thinking companies. But, attention to this movement by the legal and development community represents a significant step toward a lasting NZE future for buildings.

Read the full article in the National Law Review