California K-12 and Community College Zero Net Energy Retrofit Readiness Study

Operations, Retrofits, Trainings & Webinars

The California K-12 and Community College Zero Net Energy (ZNE) Retrofit Readiness Study provides recommendations to California Program Administrators and other key market actors on how to best stimulate and enable the public school market to meet California’s aggressive ZNE targets. The report includes two primary components, a market characterization and a technical sensitivity analysis. The market characterization examines the existing K-14 building stock, as well as the stakeholders, decision-making process and funding involved in school retrofits in California. The sensitivity analysis uses energy modeling to determine the relative magnitude of the impacts of various building factors that contribute to energy use in schools, including physical building characteristics, operational practices and occupant schedules. Researchers provide an update on the current status of ZNE retrofits in schools in California and recommendations to key market actors on steps they can take to accelerate public schools on the path to ZNE.

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