Nancy Ander is the Deputy Director of the Office of Sustainability at the Department of General Services (DGS). She is responsible for greening state facilities. Her responsibilities include the development of sustainability policies in areas such as Zero Net Energy buildings and implementation of sustainability programs such as energy efficiency retrofits, solar and wind installations, electric vehicle infrastructure development, recycling and other programs for state facilities.
Prior to this role, Nancy was a Manager at Southern California Edison (SCE), one of the state’s four major investor owned utilities. At SCE, Nancy led the policy group responsible for planning SCE’s energy efficiency and demand response portfolio. Additionally, Nancy oversaw the development of efficiency and climate action plans at local governments and large institutions.
Before coming to SCE, Nancy supported public policy at the California Energy Commission (CEC). At the CEC she supported Title 24 development and managed research to develop innovative technologies in Renewables and Energy Efficiency. Most notably, Nancy developed and managed the first Public Interest Research program for energy efficiency at the CEC and helped to lead the program to national prominence.
Nancy has a bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering and is a registered CA engineer.