The program is under development and speakers are still in the process of being invited and confirmed. If you have any questions, please email Leada Fuller-Marashi at
7:30 am-8:30 am Breakfast
8:30 am-9:45 am Opening Keynote
9:45 am-10:15 am Networking Break
10:15 am-11:45 am Breakout Sessions
Title TBD
Lori Ferriss, Goody Clancy | Nakita Reed, Quinn Evans
Saving Buildings to Save the Climate – How to Leverage our Built Heritage to Meet Climate Goals
Amanda Markovic, GBBN Architecture | Derrick Tillman, Bridging the Gap Development Corp.
Transform Traditional Delivery to Reach Socially Just Outcomes
Alice Sung, Greenbank Associates
Indicators for Equitable Building Decarbonization towards Zero Carbon
Transforming the Market: Different Pathways and Programs to Zero
Donovan Gordon, NYSERDA
Scaling Up Decarbonization of Heating: Challenges and Lessons Learned from Successful Programs
Elin Shepard, Energy Trust of Oregon | Forest Tanier-Gesner, PAE Consulting Engineers
Driving and Sustaining Innovation on the Path to Net Zero
Jennifer Green, Burlington Electric Department
The Role of Carrots and Sticks in Achieving NZE in Burlington, Vermont
The Carbon Value of Demand Flexibility
Moderator: Sangeeta Ranade, NYPA
Cara Carmichael, RMI | Henry Richardson, WattTime
Title TBD
Ryan Lobello, Handel Architects
Sendero Verde – America’s Largest Passive House Complex and a Model for Sustainable Affordable Housing
Mark Frankel, Ecotope | Jonathan Heller, Ecotope
Decarbonizing Multifamily Buildings at Scale with Central Heat Pump Water Heaters
Lili Guerrero, EDesignC, Inc. | Rosanna Lerma, EDesignC, Inc.
Multifamily=Net Zero
Finance and Development Programming Block: Part 1
Marc Brune, PAE Consulting Engineers | Jill Sherman, Gerding Edlen Development
Making it Pencil: Developer-Led Models for a Living Building
Timothy Unruh, NAESCO
Don’t Forget the Importance of Finance and Contract Structure!
12:00 pm-1:45 pm Lunch + Plenary Session
2:00 pm-3:30 pm Breakout Sessions
Breaking the Cost Barrier through Data and Design
Colin Schless, Thornton Tomasetti | Carolyn Day, Perkins Eastman | Jana Silsby, DLR Group | Jacob Knowles, BR+A Consulting Engineers
Decarbonization is Possible for Everyone
Smita Thomas, Energy Shrink, LLC
How Fairfax County is Developing Goals and a Roadmap for Destination Zero Carbon
Kelsey Waidhas, Atlanta Regional Commission | Ayo Aladesanmi, Lead for America Fellow
The Opportunity of Everywhere Else
Policy Drivers and Scalable Solutions
Katie Ackerly, David Baker Architects
When Zero Emissions and Affordable Housing Collide
Peter Turnbull, Peter Turnbull and Associates LLC
Real World Lessons for Taking Multifamily Decarbonization to Scale: Action Plans Based on What Works, What Doesn’t, and What’s Needed
Embodied Carbon Block Programming: Part 1
Matt Jungclaus, University of Colorado Boulder
The Economics of Embodied Carbon: Driving Change Quickly
Victoria Herrero-Garcia, Ambient Energy | Greg Kingsley, KL&A Engineers and Builders
Getting the Fish to See Water
Finance and Development Block Programming: Part 2
Sigal Shemesh, Buro Happold
Taking Fossil Fuels out of the Fossil Park: How to Advocate for Electrification
Monica Henn, Urban Land Institute
Strategies for Setting and Achieving Net Zero Goals in Global Real Estate Portfolios
3:30 pm-4:00 pm Networking Break
4:00 pm-5:30 pm Breakout Sessions
Zero Comes in All Sizes
Lois Vitt Sale, Wight & Company
How Not to Screw Up a Net-Zero Building (from people who have)
Yaron Klein, Atarim
Building Positive Energy Balanced Public Center on the Tel Aviv-Yafo Coastline
Key Technologies Enabling Building-Grid Optimization
Mark MacCracken, Trane
Electrification, Heat Pumps, and Thermal Energy Storage: A Step Towards Decarbonizing and Grid-Friendly Buildings
Walter Schaefer, DNV | Praga Meyyeppan, DNV
Don’t Miss the (Electric) Bus: Analytical Load Modeling for Strategic Electrification and Decarbonization
Lisa White, PHIUS
Passive Building is the Capacitor for the Renewable Grid
Embodied Carbon Block Programming: Part 2
Jacob Dunn, ZGF Architects | David Diaz, Ecotrust
Looking Upstream: Transforming Mass Timber Supply Chain and Carbon Accounting
Meghan Lewis, Carbon Leadership Forum
From Pilot to Policy: Scaling Actions to Reduce Embodied Carbon
It CAN be Done! Decarbonizing the World One Existing Multifamily Building at a Time
Meghan Duff, Association for Energy Affordability
5:30 pm-7:30 pm Exhibitor Reception