Myrrh Caplan is a Sustainability Director for Skanska. She oversees the East Coast region, advising and managing projects seeking certification in LEEDv3, LEEDv4, WELL, and ParkSmart. With nearly two decades in the construction and development industries, her resume includes over 120 projects and accreditations in LEED (USGBC), WELL (IWBI), Envision (ISI), and Social & Environmental Impact Assessment (IAIA). Myrrh earned her MBA from the College of William & Mary and completed her undergraduate degree at Huxley College in Environmental Policy. Ms. Caplan also heads up the CSR work for the company in the US, leading over 20 offices and their projects to better improve their communities, volunteering herself for organizations such as DCBIA, USGBC, and others. She lives and works in Virginia.