As a local government green building program manager, Heather Larson lends technical oversight to implementation of public funding invested in energy efficiency and green building incentive programs. In addition to managing a portfolio of contracts with consultants and non-profits for program development, she engages in a leadership capacity on behalf of Alameda County local governments by; convening the Energy Council Technical Advisory Group (EC TAG), administering the East Bay Energy Watch Strategic Advisory Committee (EBEW SAC) via a PG&E Local Government Partnership (LGP), representing on the Bay Area Regional Energy Network (Bay REN) /Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Coordinating Committee, chairing the CA Multifamily Home Energy Retrofit Coordinating Committee (MF HERCC), developing Technical Assistance for Municipal Zero Net Energy (ZNE) as a foundation for local Government ZNE reach code development, and coordinating Climate Adaptation Planning services. Ms. Larson holds a BA in Architecture from UC Berkeley (2000) and a MS in Sustainable Design from the University of Sydney in Australia (2005).