Graham Wright earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at the University of Illinois in 1993. After a 10 year career in the printing industry, he refocused his work on energy efficiency and renewable energy in 2007. He first volunteered with Americorps VISTA and then trained as a Passive House Consultant in 2008. He worked as an independent consultant, became licensed as an instructor for the PHIUS Certified Consultant Training in 2011 and began working for PHIUS in 2012 as a building scientist. He leads standards, certification and energy modeling protocol development at PHIUS, sets the research agenda for the Technical Committee and co-authored the PHIUS+2015 Passive Building Standard developed in 2015 in cooperation with Building Science Corporation under a Department of Energy grant. It is the only passive building standard of its kind in the world that is based on bioclimatic design guidelines and energy targets. Graham also develops and manages PHIUS’s product certification programs.