Graham is a Vancouver-based consultant and sustainability champion with 15 years of experience in planning, project management, and green-building consulting. He’s passionate about improving the sustainability of our communities through thoughtful development planning and creative, performance-based design.
Graham specializes in the development and application of sustainability metrics and frameworks for complex planning and development projects and has led the development of sustainability strategies and programs for multiple institutional and commercial developers across North America. His work has included LEED and green-building consulting at both the building and neighborhood scale, sustainability planning for large development sites and rezoning projects, and program development and implementation.
Before joining Stantec, Graham served as a planner with TransLink and UBC Campus & Community Development, where he led the development and implementation of an integrated transportation demand management program for the university. The program has dramatically reduced vehicle traffic and transport related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions at UBC.
Graham is currently serving as our sustainability discipline leader and is responsible for growing and developing Stantec’s in-house sustainability and energy practice, which delivers integrated green-building, performance-modeling, and energy-management services to project teams across the globe.
With a master’s degree in urban studies from Simon Fraser University and a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of BC, Graham is a keen student of urban issues, and has travelled extensively. He’s lived, worked, and studied in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Los Angeles, and Sendai, Japan. When he isn’t busy saving the world, Graham can be found plying the choppy waters of Coal Harbour in his rowing shell.